These are some of the left over cupecakes that I couldn;t use for the Archaeology test unit design. They were too rounded on top, but they still were decorated and made cute!! Happy Easter everyone!
These were modeled after Shamus, and there are three of these!
Ok so this has to be the project that is closest to my heart! This was a last minute project to help Middle Tennessee Anthropological Society get some notice in the community and help raise money for a good cause. The United Way of Murfreesboro will be holding a cupcake challenge, and you bring 3 dozen of them decorated and who ever sells the most of the 3 dozen wins. I have also heard there will be "celebrity judges" from GeGe's and Julia's. But any way if you want to show your support you can go here for more details!
So without further ado, I present MTAS cupcake entries!
This is from my brother's birthday, he just turned twenty. Greg actually just left to go to school in Pennsylvania at Wyotech. Was looking through some stuff and found these!
This is all done with fondant, and I don't remember what kind of cake it was, sorry!
I also did a cake cake for my uncle, I am trying to find any pictures I have of that!